Wednesday, February 22, 2012

For Me, For You.

i want the type of love where you walk through the door, and your skin is coated
you can just feel the weight of words, and emotions, passions, joys, hurts and tears all alike crowd and circle around you
i want the type of love that encompasses the bed at night, and fills up your every thought even when you're trying to dream
that type of love that gets caught in in the doorway just as you're late for work
you get pulled back for just one more squeeze to remember why the last one felt so good.

i want the type of love that has no clear beginning and ending, no specific spot on the map; it just exists
you only know what color shoes you're wearing, and you packed your love's lunch by accident in your lunchbox
i want every small detail to be the biggest parade
i want the love that celebrates every joke you didn't quite understand
the love that can't sleep at 3:17 am
and the love that kisses you without warning.

you know, i want that love that fills my lungs
and protects what's under my bed and into my thoughts.
that love that doesn't question all my antics and unnecessary questions

i want a love that makes me feel those tickles in my insides everyday
like i just met you for the first time all over again.
i want to feel like i'm flirting with you.
every word sounds sweeter than the last.

i want the type of love that does not judge or mock
when new ideas are groomed with passion, and worked through together
that together type of love
that love that sees with no hesitation
that will fly around the world because in that moment it made perfect sense.
the love that will put off cleaning the kitchen for a day because we haven't shared vulnerable moments and exciting ideas in over a week.

i want the type of love that gives me the oversized sweatshirt at night, and i want the love that forgives for what happened yesterday, and what will happen tomorrow.

i want the love that is honest and true. forever and always special. i want the love that is courageous.
i want that all.

love is all of these things.

1 comment:

  1. that together type of love
    that love that sees with no hesitation
    that will fly around the world because in that moment it made perfect sense.

    That marine boy , Tom.....the one I was spazing out about....the one who I was positive was trouble.

    he is this love to me now. Could you pray for us Steph. Weve got a long way to go across the world


[insert lovin' here]